You'll Get to 'See' How Your Portraits Will Look and Feel in Your Home
I can show you exactly how your actual portraits will look and feel when installed in your home.
All you need to do is to take pictures of the walls where you might want to install your portraits.
Once you send me the pictures, I'll prepare them to use during your View-to-Order Session.
Then we can put your portraits on your walls to see how various sizes and placements feel! It's very simple! Here's a few key points that'll let you 'see' your portraits in your home.
The key points are:
Stand at the right-to-left mid-point of the wall
Take the picture straight at the wall
Make sure to get the ceiling and floors lines
This picture below is 'just good enough', though it could have been a bit more straight at the wall:
To get the right sizing for me:
Tell me one horizontal measurement
Or: tack a piece of paper on the wall
The proposed portrait area should be empty
Here's the picture squared up and scaled to show you how your installed portrait will look and feel:
The picture below does not work. It's not taken straight at the wall and doesn't show the ceiling and floor lines:
Once you have the pictures of your walls, simply text or email the FULL RESOLUTION pictures to me! Include the measurement or use the piece of paper. I'll get them all ready to show you your portraits in your home!